Complying with environmental laws is frequently one of the most vexing issues confronting businesses and government organizations. The size, complexity and technical details of environmental regulations present challenges even for large entities with sophisticated environmental, health and safety managers. The increasing use of environmental claims as a means of pursuing policy agendas requires decision makers to understand issues well beyond their own economic and technical considerations. At Warren Environmental Counsel, we help our clients navigate the maze of environmental regulations and the obstacles and opportunities presented by broader economic, political and social concerns. Our approach is to find solutions that advance our clients’ business objectives while enhancing environmental compliance. We seek to design creative solutions to our clients’ environmental problems that rely on sound science and treat satisfaction of regulatory requirements as an opportunity to improve reputation and bottom line. Our practice areas span the full gamut of environmental regulatory programs. We have extensive regulatory experience in water resources, solid and hazardous waste, Superfund, emergency planning and response, air resources, Brownfields and environmental remediations. We have worked closely with real estate and corporate lawyers in handling due diligence and the environmental aspects of real estate and corporate transactions. When necessary, we are also aggressive litigators and have represented parties in regulatory enforcement actions, environmental Superfund and cost allocations, citizen suits, permit appeals, toxic tort and natural resource damages claims and environmental contractual disputes. Although the more traditional areas of environmental law form the core of our practice, we also handle matters that may be perceived as more cutting edge. For example, we have counseled clients on natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale formation, helped to design environmental management systems, and participated in the implementation of environmental auditing programs. We have also advised clients on adaptation and mitigation measures to address global climate disruption and on the design and implementation of sustainability programs.